“If you’re looking for someone to motivate and inspire, you found her!”


Ally Dalsimer

Multi-Genre Author

Media & Resources

Speaking & Interviews

If you'd like to schedule an interview with Ally, please email with subject line "Interview for..."

If you'd like Ally to join in for a lively book club, library, school, or book store discussion, please email with "Join us for..."

email: [email protected]


I am delighted to have been interviewed by these exceptional hosts to promote It’s Okay Not To Be Fabulous Every Day! 
I hope you will find them enjoyable, informative, and beneficial. Check back for more exciting interviews in the future! 

Online for Authors Podcast

Apr. 18, 2024, Host Author Terri M. Brown

HerRise Women Over 40

April 12, 2023, Host Michelle Hayes

The Shaun Proulx Show

April 3, 2023, Host Shawn Proulx (FX Radio in Canada)

About Ally

  • Self Published Multi Genre Author
  • 30-year Environmental Career
  • Former Congresssional Candidate
  • Former Life Coach
  • Certified Facilitator

To contact Ally about an interview, please email her directly at [email protected]

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